Schedule of Visits
Even though pregnancy is a unique experience for each woman, some universal checkups and investigations will occur during the nine months.
Below is a summary of the visits if all is going well in your pregnancy. Some women will need more visits, others will need less. In this example, the visits are shared between a GP and a Midwife; however this will vary depending on the Model of Care you choose.
Under Resources you will find links to useful information relevant to each visit.
What do you need to do?
What will happen at this visit?
Make your first appointment with your GP by 10 weeks
Discuss and optimise your pre-pregnancy health
Confirm your due date
Discuss genetic screening if necessary
Attend appointment with your GP
Routine antenatal screening tests will be arranged
Flu vaccine will be offered
Early diabetes screening for some women at risk
Hospital booking in appointment (1-2 hours)
Flu vaccine should be offered if not already given
Attend appointment with your GP or Midwife
Routine checkup
Morphology scan to be ordered
Discuss blood test results if not already known
Attend appointment with your GP or Midwife
Routine checkup
Discuss results of morphology scan
Attend appointment with your GP or Midwife
Routine checkup
Diabetes test ordered
See the Practice Nurse or Midwife for Boostrix and anti D (if required)
Attend appointment with your GP or Midwife
Routine checkup
Boostrix given if not already done
Attend appointment with your GP or Midwife
Routine checkup
Anti D if required
Attend appointment with your GP or Midwife
Routine checkup
GBS screening and blood tests ordered
Attend appointment with your GP or Midwife
Routine checkup
Discuss swab and blood results
Attend appointment with your GP or Midwife
Routine checkup
Discuss postnatal follow up
Attend appointment with your GP or Midwife
Routine checkup
Attend appointment with your GP or Midwife
Routine checkup
Refer to Maternity Ward for term assessment
Attend review appointments on Maternity Ward
1-6 weeks after birth
Access community supports
6 weeks after birth
Attend appointment with GP
Checkup for mum and bub
Immunisations for bub