The Nurtured Village Hampers

The Nurtured Village is a national charity that relies on the generosity of its community to provide services/hampers to young families in Bathurst and Blayney in NSW and surrounding shires.


On the first weekend of every month we will announce that nominations are open to nominate a deserving family for the coming months hamper. On the Sunday night at 6pm nominations will close and a winning recipient will be selected by an online random name generator.

Repeat, unanimous or self-nominations are VERY welcome. If no one is nominated for the hamper we will announce an appropriate solution. Once a recipient is selected, we will announce the recipient and ask the nurtured village facebook page for donations.

Only condition: recipients MUST live in Bathurst (area to be determined by Jemma).

I will ask that home-cooked food is either freshly cooked or frozen and you write on top of the container what the food is and when it was cooked.

FAQs on hampers

What can we donate?

Donations can be home cooked food, store bought food, small gifts and services, gifts can include anything you would like – some previous examples have been colouring-in books, candles, sensory bottles, distractions for older kids, breastpads etc. Literally anything.

Jemma may advise if a family have/need certain requests.

How do we donate it?

We can arrange delivery/drop off/pickup together. There are always people from somewhere in your area who will be donating. Contact Jemma directly.

When do we donate it?

Depending on what the donation is. You will be notified when drop off is scheduled, however, home cooked food is preferably donated as close to delivery as possible (day before, morning of delivery).

What if I don’t have the means to donate?

No one is expected to donate anything. We are often time poor and money poor and there are absolutely no expectations.

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